
SKU: PB34330
Pre Order
促销价格$ 74.00

手工铸造的铝和铁,青铜饰面,57.5 英寸高 4.5 英寸宽 4.5 英寸深。清洁时,仅用温和的清洁剂手洗。需要进行少量组装。寒冷天气时存放在室内。

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SKU# PB34330

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Same issue as Jeffrey had-cap has a whole in the top and water gets in the vessel.

I bought these a while ago and never used them because of the hole in the cap which allowed rain to get inside and mix with the oil.When I first saw the cap, I thought, boy that is useless. Oh well, guess I will just use them for decoration. Hopefully, customer service will give me a cap that is product friendly, just like Jeffrey. Beautiful torch, tho.

We understand your disappointment regarding the caps on the torches. Our customer service team is sending out new caps. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Jeffrey Shipman
Oil lantern rain cap

The lantern lucks and works great, but it does not come with a cap to keep the rain off of the wick. It just has a funnel for filling it with oil.

Please contact customer support via email or by telephone between 8:30am and 5pm PST; we would like to mail a replacement cap of a different style.