铝、铁和玻璃,18.5 英寸高 10 英寸宽 6.5 英寸深。配有玻璃供品支架。清洁时,仅使用温和洗涤剂手洗。SKU# VB34674
替换玻璃茶灯杯: VB34674G
更换单个鸟笼灯笼部件: VB34978L
它包装完好,物品非常漂亮,我们非常满意。 - 凯瑟琳
According to legend, flood covered the lands in a remote Asian village. A crane flying with no place to rest and ready to collapse spotted a turtle surfacing from the water. Offering the crane a place to rest until the flood waters receded, the turtle saved his life. Years later, during a severe drought, the crane returned the favor by flying the turtle to the nearest water.
Our Cooperation Garden Lantern & Sculpture represents friendship and cooperation. One of many fine garden sculptures sure to lend grace to your home.