Farol y escultura de jardín de Cooperation

SKU: VB34674
Precio de oferta$ 95.00

La historia de la grulla y la tortuga

Según la leyenda, una inundación cubrió las tierras de un remoto pueblo asiático. Una grulla que volaba sin un lugar donde descansar y a punto de derrumbarse vio a una tortuga que emergía del agua. Al ofrecerle a la grulla un lugar donde descansar hasta que las aguas de la inundación retrocedieran, la tortuga le salvó la vida. Años después, durante una grave sequía, la grulla le devolvió el favor llevando a la tortuga al agua.

Nuestra escultura y farol de jardín de cooperación representa la amistad y la cooperación. Una de las muchas esculturas de jardín hermosas que sin duda le darán gracia a su hogar.

Aluminio, hierro y vidrio, 18,5" de alto x 10" de ancho x 6,5" de profundidad. Incluye portavelas de vidrio. Para limpiar, lavar a mano únicamente con detergentes suaves. SKU# VB34674

Recambio de vaso de cristal para velas de té: VB34674G

Pieza de repuesto para linterna de jaula de pájaros individual: VB34978L

Lo que dicen los clientes sobre la linterna y escultura de jardín Cooperation

Llegó bien empaquetado y el artículo es simplemente hermoso, estamos muy contentos. - Katherine

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Suzanne Barker
Charming Garden Lantern & Sculpture

I debated about getting the taller sculpture or the shorter one. I finally decided on the shorter sculpture and placed it on a 7-inch concrete log riser (looks like wood) from Amazon, it looks great next to my live edge bench. I'm very pleased with this sculpture and just love the story about it.

Donna Sylvester
Disappointed in turtle shell color.

I did buy the larger version of this crane and turtle and absolutely loved it and the meaning behind it. Needless to say I was excited to get the smaller version however I was very disappointed in the turtle’s shell. The picture seems to be a copper color adding dimension to the highs and lows of the shell. The shell on the one I received was a boring medium brown that just laid on top not adding any interest, looking blah. I needed it for a gift but weather permitting I will be painting the shell to make it as elegant as the crane.

Cathy W
Beautiful gift

Gave the Cooperation Garden Lantern and Sculpture as an early Christmas gift. It was just as shown in the picture, beautiful. The quality was actually better than I was anticipating. I was very happy with the sculpture and my friends were thrilled with the gift! Thank you so much Viridian Bay!


Love it!!

Suzan Swoveland

It’s everything I expected from Viridian Bay! Simply Beautiful and well made!