Mimosa Ridge 系列

Mimosa Ridge 系列朴实而低调,灵感源自春天的初绽,唤起大自然苏醒的万物复苏之感。我们富有想象力的作品反映了生命的活力,体现了永恒而自然的优雅。



165 件产品

Staked Garden Lantern shown in garden; design is branch covered with blue butterflies and holds iron little lantern holding tea lightStaked Garden Lantern shown in garden; design is branch covered with blue butterflies and holds iron little lantern holding tea light
蓝蝴蝶树枝上挂着灯笼 促销价格$ 95.00
red lady bug cast metal garden sculpture shown in gray rock speckled red lady bug garden sculpture
顽皮瓢虫雕塑 促销价格$ 45.00
light blue snail cast metal garden sculpture set on rock light blue garden snail sculpture
花园蜗牛 Speedy 促销价格$ 40.00
blue butterfly garden sculpture set in garden blue butterfly garden sculpture
萨塞尔蝴蝶 促销价格$ 62.00
cast metal dragonfly garden sculpture shown by a floral arrangement, perched on decorative logtop view of the blue and green finish on a cast metal dragonfly garden sculpture
萨塞尔蜻蜓 促销价格$ 59.00
cast metal garden sculpture of grasshopper, shown in flower gardencast metal garden sculpture of grasshopper,  shows hues of soft blue and sage green
萨塞尔蚱蜢 促销价格$ 65.00
Sculpted metal wasp in soft shades of blue and sage green shown on a rock in a fern gardenSculpted metal wasp in soft shades of blue and sage green, top view
萨塞尔黄蜂 促销价格$ 53.00
cast metal bright green prayer mantis garden sculpture set on outdoor rock in garden cast metal bright green prayer mantis garden sculpture
萨塞尔螳螂 促销价格$ 62.00
cast aluminum metal arched garden trellis, with golden dragonfly and iris designs. Planter placed in pot with green trailing plant. detailed view of garden trellis, with white and gold iris flower details and golden dragonflies
蜻蜓之舞花园棚架 促销价格$ 138.00
cast metal arched garden trellis with panels and iris and colorful butterflies fluttering about detailed view of floral and butterfly motifs on trellis. One yellow and back winged butterfly and light purple and yellow winged butterfly
Cast metal planter trellis with lilies and hummingbird motifs and circle detail in the center. Trellis placed in garden bed besides outdoor wall detailed view of circle on trellis with bronze and pink lilies and hummingbird imagery
环抱式花园棚架 促销价格$ 118.00
Metal dragonfly and lily welcome home sign, staged against flower bed Metal dragonfly and lily welcome home sign
蜻蜓欢迎花园标志 促销价格$ 85.00
Dragonfly and Iris Metal planter trellis set in garden scene Dragonfly and Iris Metal planter trellis, white and gold highlights
蜻蜓之舞花架 促销价格$ 99.00
brown and golden snail pillow with embroidery close up of snail pillow, snail antlers accented with two golden pomp pomps
蜗牛速度枕头 促销价格$ 38.97 原价$ 59.00
cast metal bluebirds seated on whimsical branch of leaves and flowers. Staked windchime detail view of two cast metal bluebirds perched on branch with leaves and flowers
蓝鸟桩风艺术 促销价格$ 125.00
Wall hook and hanging planter shown with plants on an outdoor wallReverse side of wall hook and hanging planter with motif of golden lilies and dragonflies
蜻蜓之舞吊盆 促销价格$ 98.00
cast metal dragonfly accent table with glass top set in outdoor scene cast metal dragonfly accent table with glass top
蜻蜓池塘饮料桌上 促销价格$ 198.00
Butterflies of blue are sculpted onto a golden bird cage style plant or candle holderButterflies of blue are sculpted onto a golden bird cage style plant or candle holder; shown in room near picture frames holding butterflies and a vase with white flowers
蓝色蝴蝶烛台/植物台 促销价格$ 75.00
Brass Butterfly burst with marble base shows sculpture of hoop filled with butterflies placed upon desk near books and vase of  branchesBrass Butterfly burst with marble base shows sculpture of hoop filled with butterflies
modern table with gold finish table supports and blue butterflies; glass top with beveled edgemodern table with gold finish table supports and blue butterflies; glass top with beveled edge, side view
蓝色蝴蝶爆裂装饰桌 促销价格$ 325.00
Blue Butterfly burst with marble base shows sculpture of hoop filled with flying blue sculpted butterfliesBlue Butterfly burst with marble base shows sculpture of hoop filled with flying blue sculpted butterflies shown on desk with books, potted plant, and vase with branches.
Pair of beeswax candle nestled into flower arrangement Pair of two beeswax bird candles sitting on box
蜂蜡麻雀蜡烛一对 促销价格$ 35.00
blue vase with two openings and a roped handle, hand etched nature designs, large butterfly in center. Placed in garden blue vase with two openings and a roped handle, hand etched nature designs, large dragonfly in center. Placed in garden
outdoor footed oil torch in sculpted lily and butterfly motif with accent snailoutdoor footed oil torch in sculpted lily and butterfly motif with accent snail - top view of butterfly detail
园丁的乐趣 有脚油灯 促销价格$ 85.00